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Create Your Best Year Yet!

Intentions involve more commitment than desires. They are also less specific and less rigid, making them less likely to lead to unhealthy attachment to outcomes compared to goals.

This Year I Will....
This Year I Will....

Setting strong intentions requires a place of empowerment.

Clear your, space, your mind, and your heart so you can be focused, and be open to receiving.

Creating Space for a Conscious New Year

As the twinkling lights of Christmas fade and we pack away the decorations, many of us stumble into the New Year feeling heavy—not just from the feasting and partying but from the cluttered chaos of the holiday season. It’s as if we’re so caught up in the revelry that we forget to make space for something incredibly important: a conscious and intentional start to the year ahead.

The holiday season is a whirlwind of indulgence, social commitments, and last-minute deadlines. We eat, drink, and celebrate with abandon, often losing sight of the health and goals we worked so hard to build throughout the year. By the time January rolls around, we’re drained—physically, mentally, and emotionally—hardly the ideal state to kick off a fresh chapter.

But what if this year, we chose differently? What if instead of “falling into” the New Year, we deliberately step into it with clarity and purpose?

Why the Holidays Leave Us Feeling Disconnected

The holiday season is wonderful in many ways—joyful, festive, and full of connection. But it can also be a time of overconsumption and neglect:

• We overindulge in food and alcohol, throwing balance out the window.

• We lose track of routines that keep us grounded, like exercise and mindful practices.

• We push self-care aside to keep up with demands from family, work, and endless social events.

The outcome? As the New Year approaches, we find ourselves drained, off balance, and frequently overburdened. The objectives we set earlier in the year seem like distant memories, and it's no surprise that many of us resort to lukewarm resolutions that quickly fade away.

How to Create Space for a Powerful Start

The good news is that you can shift this pattern and enter the New Year consciously and intentionally. Here’s how:

1. Declutter Your Mind, Body, Heart and Environment

The holidays often result in more than just leftover wrapping paper; they can also lead to mental and physical clutter. Take a moment to consider what benefited you over the past year and what you are prepared to let go of. Cleanse your body and declutter areas in your home to welcome new opportunities and energy.

2. Revisit Your Past Goals/Intentions Before the Year Ends

Rather than waiting for January 1 to think about resolutions, spend time now reconnecting with your identified priorities from 2024. What did you accomplish this year? What are your aspirations for the next? Journaling and creating a vision board can support clarity and achievement.

3. Balance Celebration with Self-Care

It's likely you didn't forgo holiday enjoyment to focus solely on your goals. Nevertheless, I'm confident you cultivated some valuable self-care habits during this period:

Re-engage with them more vigorously so that by the New Year, you remain on track.

• Keep yourself hydrated and opt for lighter, nutrient-dense meals whenever you can.

Try a Juice4Joy 3-day detox, Cleanse & Reset (check out our festive season special)

• Incorporate gentle activities, such as yoga or walking.

• Engage in mindfulness practices to remain present during the busy times.

• Make decisions that benefit your future self.

4. End the Year with Intention

As New Year's Eve approaches midnight, take a moment to pause and reflect. Light a candle, meditate, or jot down three things you're thankful for from the past year and three goals for the coming year. This practice can help center you and direct your energy toward the opportunities of the new year.

If the intentions you set feel like they will deplete you or flip the struggle switch on, go back to the drawing board. I love the picture author Tara Mohr paints when she suggests that we set “gift goals”—a goal that feels like a true, gorgeous, exciting gift to yourself. I ask my clients to use the same idea when setting intentions for the year.

Need support creating your best year yet? Reach out to Life & Health Coach Lynda and invest in your best company along the way.

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