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How to Stay on Track when you are Doing Your Juice4Joy Detox & Cleanse Program

Plan ahead... this always helps to set you up for success in any area of your life!

At Juice4Joy your Detox & Cleanse comes with a full detailed program, with valuable info and guidance to support the success of your investment into your health, after all it is your TRUE WEALTH!

If it is your first time doing a Juice4Joy Detox & Cleanse we suggest investing in a consultation with Life & Health Coach Lynda. When you are suitably informed it also puts you in the driving seat of your life. Information is key and you are unique, spending some quality time with Lynda will establish a clear overview of YOU and empower both yourself and Lynda to support you uniquely.

Tip #1 - Decide & Commit to your health

Decide, and connect with Life Coach Lynda establish what is the best plan for you and invest!

Tip #2 - Get Clear on the Boundaries of the Cleanse

This again is so important and is best done within a consultation with Life Coach Lynda, this can be scheduled online at a time that suites you. This space offers you the platform to ask all and any question. There are no bad questions and this START to our relationship with you is a key foundation to your long term success with re-establishing vibrant health.

"Take care of your body, it's the only place you have to LIVE " Jim Rohn

Tip #3 - Take Your Juice Everywhere

We designed an elegant cooler bag made from recycled bottles, that is just the right size to take what you need with you wherever you go while your are doing your Juice4Joy Detox and Cleanse. Keep your juices cold, away from direct light. Do not freeze them.

Tip #4 - Don't Plan Excessive Workouts

It is 3 Days, maybe 5 depending on what you have decided based on your Detox & Cleansing Experience.

Give yourself those days, choose to walk , do gentle Yoga or Pilates. Give yourself permission to FOCUS on your healing from the INSIDE. Keep a journal and track your experience, there is a lovely Juice4Joy downloadable Journal with powerful supportive prompts to help you go deeper!

Tip #5 - SLEEP

Your body does so much healing when it sleeps - there are a whole lot of your key organs that do all their reboot, restoration, rejuvenation when you sleep (for example your liver starts healing around 2-3am).

That is why we encourage NO EATING AFTER 6-7pm, as well as light easy to digest foods in the evening. That is why we encourage "Start Your Day The Juice4Joy Way", Big glass of good water with fresh lemon on empty stomach, then your Juice4Joy Celery Juice.

Loads of people crave the coffee, but just pause, choose well, do your water and Juice4Joy first - it is cool to have fresh brewed coffee once or twice a day, it is what you put with it that makes it unhelpful! Leave the milk and definitely NO sugar or any sweetener (maybe if you really have - to a tip of a teaspoon of honey)


Be Kind to yourself! I support loads of my clients through this, they slip up occasionally and then beat themselves up! This is very unhelpful. PAUSE! If you have a day where you go off tack, own it, and let it go, the next time you have the opportunity to choose...choose to get on track... SIMPLE! NO GUILT NONSENSE, that never changed anything.

Start to pay attention to HOW you talk with yourself, be interested, you will notice that OFTEN the conversations you have with yourself about CHANGE are not helping you change! They convincing you to BE STUCK in what you know, which obviously is not supporting you to live a vibrant ,content, healthy life. That is why you are seeking solutions for your health.

It is a wonderful conversation to have in a coaching session with Life Coach Lynda, you will see things very differently after that! :)

Stay Blessed Peeps xxx

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